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Divorce Coaching Australia Website is backed up by interviews with leading professionals covering topics relevant to situations you may be experiencing now or could in the future.

The professionals are highly respected in their field and work towards all parties - particularly children - surviving divorce with lives intact.

Each interview is approxiamately 8 to 12 pages and comprehensive in content.


Mary-Clare Kennedy

Family Law & You

Mary-Clare Kennedy

Mary-Clare Kennedy is a practising Family Law Barrister in Sydney CBD and previously practiced as an Accredited Family Law Specialist.

She discusses family law & terminology - past and present, mediation & the court process, what to do when first separating, choosing a solicitor & questions to ask and ways to reduce costs.

Fiona Bateman B.Bus. CA

Forensic Accounting

Fiona Bateman

If one or more of the parties operates a business - which has current and ongoing value - there is a strong possibility you may need the assistance of a Forensic Accountant to determine the value of your asset pool.

Nicole Jevtovic LLB LLM

Frequently Asked Questions about Separation

Nicole Jevtovic is a family lawyer, mediator and principal solicitor at Clarity Family Law Solutions.

She discusses questions often asked by couples about the separation process under Australian Family Law.
Nicole advises clients all over Australia.

Ian Wallace, Consultant Psychologist

Children Living through Separation & Divorce

Ian Wallace

Ian is highly regarded in his field and a sought after speaker for issues relating to families and kids.

We are fortunate to have been able to interview him about the negative effects of separation and divorce on children and get his advice on ways of helping.

Jill Burrett MSc. MAPsS

Life after Separation

Jill Burrett

Emotions can run very high when a relationship breaks down.

Jill has a wealth of experience dealing with separation counselling from her many years working with the Family Court and in her private practice. She discusses what to expect when separating and offers some ideas to help get through this period.

Sue Parker, Solicitor & Accredited Family Law Specialist with the New South Wales Law Society

What is Collaborative Law?

Sue Parker

Collaborative Law is a voluntary dispute resolution process. It is aimed at helping parties to negiotate and maintain control over the outcome of their financial settlement and parenting issues. Sue discusses what it is and how it works from a practitioners perspective.

Dr. Penny Adams MBBS (UNSW) Hons, FRACGP

Divorce & Motherguilt

Penny Adams

Penny Adams graduated from the University of New South Wales in 1982 with first class honours and the University Medal. Penny has co-authored - with Ita Buttrose - the book MOTHERGUILT.

From this research and her experence in general practice Penny speaks about feelings mothers experience when divorcing.

Phil Naylor former CEO of The Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA)

Dealing with a Mortgage Broker

Phile Naylor

Not everyone has used the services of a mortgage broker. Phil discusses what you need to know if you choose to use a mortgage broker to apply for a loan. It is improtant to always check professional accreditation and membership of professional associations.

Mark Rantall former CEO of the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)

Getting Financial Advice

Mark Rantall

Financial Planning is undergoing much Legislative change. It is imperative that you choose a financial planner carefully. Mark discusses what you need to know when using the services of a financial planner.

Geraldine Georgeou B.Sc Nutr. M.Sc Nu

Stress & how it affects our Metabolism

Geraldine Georgeau

Have you ever noticed how some poeple loose weight and others put weight on when under stress? Stress affects all of us in different ways. Some of us will cope better than others with the stress of a separation and divorce.

How you travel through this time - and the choices you make about your health, diet & alcohol intake - will not only affect your health, but also your appearance. Geraldine looks at how stress affects our metabolism and therefore us. She explains why and what happens when we are under alot of stress and offers some ideas to help.


  • Values Pendulum Relationship Health Check

  • 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Divorce

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Specialist divorce support for all stages of the divorce process.

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